nizima is operated as a service for the Japanese market. For legal reasons in Japan, we restrict purchases from outside of Japan.

If you are in Japan and still cannot access the purchase page Please try the solution described on this page.

If you still cannot access the purchase page after trying all the methods described on this page, please contact your provider.

Check location information service settings

Turn on location services (GPS, etc.).

If you are playing a game or other game that uses location information, and you have changed your location information, try deactivating it before accessing the site again.

Check the data saver feature

Turn off the data saver feature available in your web browser (e.g. Chrome browser).

Data saver is a feature to save data usage, which means that the data being transferred goes through a dedicated server for the purpose of being compressed. If this server is located outside of Japan, it will be considered “access from outside of Japan.

Check proxy settings

There are multiple ways to configure proxy settings, including network settings and web browser settings. Please turn off the proxy setting you are using.

When a connection is made through a proxy server, the connecting proxy server is located outside of Japan, and even if the connection is made from within Japan, it may be considered “access from outside Japan.

Depending on your network environment, turning off the proxy server may prevent you from connecting to the network. Please contact your network administrator for more information.

Change access point

If possible, change the network connection.

  • If you are connecting from Wi-Fi on your smartphone, try changing to mobile network communication
  • Conversely, try changing from mobile network communication to Wi-Fi connection on a smartphone
  • For mobile Wi-Fi, try changing the Wi-Fi access point
  • Try moving from your home to your parents’ house, a friend’s house, out of town, etc., where you may have a different network connection
  • Try a different provider to connect to.
  • and so on…

Cannot be solved.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but if you are still unable to resolve the problem after trying all of the above items, please contact your provider.