* We will show you how to use nizima, a web service that allows you to sell and purchase illustrations and Live2D data.
How to use nizima
nizima is an official Live2D marketplace where you can sell and purchase illustrations and Live2D data, and request custom-made models.
We also develop and provide “nizima Apps,” applications for enjoying Live2D models.
If you are new to us, please see the guide first!

nizima regularly holds a contest “Nizicon” for illustrations and Live2D works.
We look forward to your participation!

nizima Material posting campaign
In this campaign, you can win prizes by drawing if you submit material works in accordance with the theme.
Please wait for the next event.
nizima account
nizima account is a web service to centrally manage registration information for services provided by nizima.
If you are already a nizima user, you can use the same account information.
nizima Apps
Let’s play with the app easily using your own Live2D model!

Live2D starts moving just by drawing an illustration and replacing it!
Let’s move your illustration easily with nizigurumi!