The “nizima model specification” is a common specification that allows Live2D models (mainly moc3 and model3.json ) to respond to taps and flicks and change facial expressions on various applications by making simple settings.

If an application or Live2D model is marked with one of the following icons, it means that it is already compatible with the nizima model specification (some models may not be marked even if they are compatible).

The nizima model specification is currently in beta version 0.4.
Please note that specifications are subject to change in future versions.
Please note that specifications are subject to change in future versions. For the time being, we will continue test operations as a beta version.

Creator’s Manual

Easy setup with Cubism Viewer (for OW) installed with Cubism Editor.

For more information, please visit

App Developer’s Manual

The “nizima model specification” is a mechanism that responds to taps and flicks by configuring the settings in model3.json, the model configuration file for the SDK.

The structure conforms to the “Original Workflow (Live2D Cubism 3 or later),” enabling interactive character expression at low development cost.

A detailed manual is currently being prepared, so please wait.

If you wish to release an application that can load an unspecified number of models, an “Extensibility Application Publication License Agreement” is required.

App list

Here are some applications that support the “nizima model specifications”.

For more information, please visit