For instructions on how to use the nizima/nizima LIVE/nizima LIVE TRACKER logo and nizima model specification labels, please use the template and brand guidelines available for download from this page.

❶ Guidelines for nizima/nizima LIVE/nizima LIVE TRACKER logo and trademark
❷ Guidelines for labels and trademarks for nizima model specifications

nizima/nizima LIVE/nizima LIVE TRACKER logo and trademark guidelines

We are happy that you are using Live2D for your creative activities. This page is a guideline for those who wish to use the logo or trademark when introducing their own works, books, seminars, etc., or when introducing the fact that their works or products use nizima/nizima LIVE/nizima LIVE TRACKER.

You are free to use the nizima/nizima LIVE/nizima LIVE TRACKER logo and trademark as long as you use them in an appropriate manner. Please make sure that the usage you wish to make is in accordance with the guidelines.

nizima Logo Style Guide



Logo display pattern

Icon Display Pattern

Logo margin area

Icon part

Brand colors


R: 68 G: 85 B: 110
C: 38% M: 20% Y: 0% K: 67%


R: 255 G: 119 B: 143
C: 0% M: 68% Y: 24% K: 0%


R: 241 G: 245 B: 248
C: 2% M: 0% Y: 0% K: 3%

nizima LIVE Logo Style Guide



Logo display pattern

Icon Display Pattern

Logo margin area

Icon part

Brand colors


R: 68 G: 85 B: 110
C: 38% M: 20% Y: 0% K: 67%


R: 241 G: 245 B: 248
C: 2% M: 0% Y: 0% K: 3%


R: 106 G: 72 B: 243
C: 54% M: 67% Y: 0% K: 5%


R: 255 G: 119 B: 143
C: 0% M: 68% Y: 24% K: 0%

nizima LIVE TRACKER Logo Style Guide



Logo display pattern

Icon Display Pattern

Logo margin area

Icon part

Brand colors


R: 68 G: 85 B: 110
C: 38% M: 20% Y: 0% K: 67%


R: 241 G: 245 B: 248
C: 2% M: 0% Y: 0% K: 3%


R: 106 G: 72 B: 243
C: 54% M: 67% Y: 0% K: 5%


R: 255 G: 119 B: 143
C: 0% M: 68% Y: 24% K: 0%


  • You may not use the logo in any way that falls outside of our guidelines.
  • Processing of logos that include the following is prohibited

Examples of prohibited use



color change

additional special effects and textures

change aspect ratio

adding an outline

change the placement or spacing of logo elements

display on a background that impairs visibility

partial use of logo



Guidelines for nizima model specification labels


  • Minimum width should be 100px.
  • For the web, use SVG if possible.
  • Only one of the three colors may be used.
  • Do not deform, filter, or change colors.

nizima model specification label


“nizima” and the nizima logo are trademarks of Live2D Inc. Our brand trademarks are protected by applicable trademark, copyright and other intellectual property protection laws. By using the nizima mark, you agree to abide by the above guidelines. Live2D Inc. reserves the right to withdraw, modify or change these Guidelines at any time at its sole discretion.

Live2D Trademarks

For Live2D logos and trademarks, please refer to the Live2D Logo and Trademark Guidelines.