At nizima, you can set up a discount for each of your artworks. Take advantage of the discount settings to commemorate your first public showing, or to promote your own work at each seasonal event!

Please read the “Premiums and Indications Law/Double Pricing Disclaimer” before using the discount setting.

  • Discounts cannot be set until at least 3 weeks after posting.

How to set up

1. go to the edit page of the work for which you want to set the discount.

2. click on “Discount Settings” to the right of the selling price.

3. After entering the discount rate and period, click “Set Discount”.

4. A summary of discount settings will appear below the price.

5. click “Re-post” at the bottom of the editing screen to finish editing and save the discount settings as well.

How to delete discount settings

1. go to the edit page of the work for which you want to set the discount.

2. click on the trash can icon in the discount settings shown below the price.

3. Click “Re-post” at the bottom of the editing screen to finish editing, and the discount settings will be deleted.